BIOGAS Convention & Trade Fair, 12th – 14th December 2017, Nuremberg, Germany – Buy your ticket now!

“Biogas 4.0 – The conflict between energy and climate policy” is the motto of the BIOGAS Convention & Trade Fair from 12th to 14th December 2017 at Nuremberg, Germany.

For international guests the German Biogas Association organises up to 30 presentations in English or translated into English.

Tuesday, 12th December starts with the workshop “Biogas basics”, a brief introduction on the topics of the convention, e.g. biomethane, biowaste to biogas, safety or legal framework.

On 12th and 13th December the participants can visit – among others – presentations about climate protection and climate finance, biomethane, innovative approaches in international projects or an introduction to India’s biogas market.

Thursday, 14th December offers you enough time to visit the trade fair and take part in our workshop No. 7: “Case studies of waste digestion plants”.

Traditionally, the day after the presentations (Friday, 15th), excursions to selected biogas plants in the area around Nuremberg will be organised.

Please find the details of the English programme attached or here:  

The BIOGAS Trade Fair, parallel to the conference, shows the latest biogas trends and offers sound advice from plant manufacturers, planners and service providers. Already over 210 exhibitors have applied. The German Biogas Association is present with a joint stand and a meeting point for members and visitors in hall 9, stand C16.

To sign in, please use the online registration: