European Biomethane Roadmap
The EBA – GIE Biomethane Map locates and lists all known biomethane installations running in Europe. According to the data set of Q1 of 2017, 500 biomethane installations were registered. This map is the first of its kind, with first-hand information provided by European Biogas Association(EBA) member organisations – national biogas associations, energy agencies and companies. |
Biogas is a gas mixture composed mainly of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Biogas production plants can process a wide range of organic materials, including sewage sludge, animal and vegetable byproducts, household biowaste and primary or secondary crops. In biomethane production plants, the share of methane (CH4) in biogas is increased to provide “biomethane”, a product of natural gas grade, with the purpose to be injected into the gas grid and used for any known gas end use such as heating and cooling or transport.
The map provides specific details about each biomethane plant and the surrounding gas grid, including:
- Facility number listing all European biomethane plants
- Location of the biomethane plant (town and country)
- Feed-in capacity of biomethane (natural gas grade) (m3/h)
- Main substrate (input material)
- Upgrading process: technology for upgrading biogas to biomethane of natural gas grade
- Year of start of operation
- Connection to the gas grid
- Cross-border interconnection points of the gas grid
- Pipelines of the gas grid
Furthermore, the map brings additional data about the European biomethane market evolution, distribution of plants in European countries, and forecasts of natural gas and biomethane indigenous production in Europe until 2037.