European Commission approves biogas support schemes in Czech Republic
The schemes for electricity and heat are in line with EU state aid rules and they will increase the energy produced from renewables
Czech Republic presented its plans in October 2015, for the support of biogas installations with a capacity of up to 0.5 MW. With the budget of €19 million, the biogas which is mainly produced form animal by-products, barnyard manure or biodegradable waste will be used to produce heat.
All Member States are allowed to support the renewable energy production under certain conditions, as determined under Commissions 2014 Guidelines on state aid for environmental protection and energy.
Czech Republic aims for 14% of gross electricity, which is in line with Renewable Energy Directive. They are also expecting to meet the goals set in Landfill of Waste Directive for restricting the landfilling of biodegradable waste.
Read the full report here.