Great attendance and success at EBA’s latest Workshop
The one-day event focused on the contribution of biogas towards European renewable energy policy beyond 2020.
The Brussels-based Palace of the Academies welcomed the 86 delegates, arriving from 13 countries, which gathered on the 8th of February to learn about the role of biogas in future renewable energy policies. The event brought together relevant stakeholders from academia, political institutions, national biomethane organisations and natural gas operators.
EBA’s President, Jan Stambasky, opened the first session on European policy inviting Ruta Baltause, DG Energy – European Commission, and MEP Claude Turmes, Green Party, to give an overview of the key aspects of the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive.
The audience also learnt about the current situation and progress made so far by three EU countries – the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark– along with success stories from Hungary and Italy. Other sessions of the event deepened on the issues of feedstock and infrastructure and gasification, both from a national and industry point to view.
The Workshop concluded focusing on the removal of obstacles and enabling a European internal market for biomethane. Attila Kovacs, member of EBA’s Board and Secretary General of ERGaR, presented the European Renewable Gas Registry (ERGaR), a certification scheme under development for cross-border trade of biomethane.
All the presentations from the event, pictures and a complete event report can be found here.