Guarantees of Origin: the biogas perspective

EBA is organising a policy meeting on Guarantees of Origin (GoO or GOs) for members only. Book your seat to attend our discussion at the Renewable Energy House (REH) on 6th December in Brussels!

The RES Directive promotes higher shares of electricity generated from renewable energy sources across the EU by 2020. Member States are entitled to issue GOs proving the renewable nature of this electricity, which includes biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases. Setting-up this system efficiently would require certain coordination efforts from EU Member States.

In view of the development of GOs, EBA would like to discuss with its members how this initiative can be implemented and what benefit can this bring to biogas and related industries. Two officials from the European Commission will provide their views on this with us. A more detailed programme will be shared with our members soon.

If you are an EBA member and you would like to join this workshop, please confirm your participation to Susanna Pflüger: We are almost fully booked!