New biogas plant in Austria for municipal waste treatment
A new biogas plant will be built at the Wiener Neustädter Abfallbehandlungsanlage, in Austria. The new plant, which will go into full operation in 2020, will produce 1,200 MWh of electricity and 1,500 MWh of heat per year for the self-generated power of the Wiener Neustadt waste treatment plant. This will help saving 700 tons of CO2 per year.
The positive news were celebrated with a ground-breaking ceremony last 22 February. In the future, a dry fermenter plant from Pöttinger will be installed upstream of composting. In the so-called 3-A process (Aerobic Anaerobic Aerobic), up to 120m³ biogas with 60% methane content is to be produced from 1t substrate within 21 days.
Mayor Klaus Schneeberger speaks of a deliberate decision to promote renewable energy: “With the new biogas plant in waste management, we are making two important steps forward: on the one hand, the waste is recycled even better than before and on the other hand, we generate green electricity and ecologically sound heat , which in turn corresponds to the idea of climate protection. “