Press release: New German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) shoots biogas in Germany
European Biogas Association (EBA) strongly criticises the amended Renewable Energy Act (EEG), approved by the German Parliament on June 27. This U-turn in German biogas policies will nearly stop the already weakening growth in Germany, losing its chance to reduce dependence on imported natural gas.
According to the new EEG, biogas production in Germany will be capped from August 1 to 100 MW annually and Feed-in Tariffs will be gradually withdrawn from all new plants above 100 kW. The decision makers in Germany seemed to have completely ignored contribution of biogas to the long-term climate targets and energy independency.
Dr. Jan Stambasky, President of the European Biogas Association said: “The whole Europe looks carefully at the German EEG that served as a pattern followed by numerous countries. This change will give the governments a very bad and confusing signal.” With over 40 000 jobs and at least several billion of Euros invested, Germany is the World-wide leader for technology know-how and science in the biogas sector. The new conditions will effectively hinder any further project development in the country.
By approving the new Act, Germany missed its chance to provide environmentally friendly gas supplies and to reduce its dependence on Russian imports. The country has achieved a remarkable level of biogas industry before this stoppage came. Already today’s production corresponds to 20% of the German gas imports from Russia. “By certain technological development biogas can have a potential to cover even half of this imports. This all may be wasted now”, summarized Stambasky.
Read EBA Press Release