SEBIGAS opens new biogas plant in Belgium
The EBA was very happy to be in Thuin, on Feb. 28th, for the inauguration of SEBIGAS’ successful new venture into the Belgian biogas market in collaboration with Walvert, a local Walloon company with over 10 years’ experience in anaerobic digestion in the agricultural sector. Annually, the plant will process approximately 12,000 tonnes of agricultural by-products to produce 5000 MWh of electricity (which corresponds to the consumption of about 1500 households) and will provide an equal amount of thermal energy for district heating.
The digested organic matter includes, among others, livestock manure, maize silage and crop residues. The produced digestate will be returned to local fields in the form of liquid and solid fractions, acting as both fertiliser and soil improver.
This project has been running since January 2019 and has brought together private actors, policymakers, local citizens and farmers… successfully demonstrating that very concrete steps can be taken at a local level towards a sustainable future and a local bioeconomy.