Denmark: Biogas boom to exceed all expectations

The establishment of biogas plants in Denmark is so strong that the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) increases its expectations for expansion of plants in the country.

The previous estimations of doubling the biogas production by 2020 have jumped to expect tripling the current numbers. Climate Minister Lars Lilleholt stated that biogas is a “very relevant area to focus on” according to the plan of phasing out fossil fuels by finding proper replacements. Indeed, the largest biogas plant in Denmark was inaugurated in August.

The plant can produce energy out of manure from farmers in the area and slaughterhouse waste, food waste and other organic material. Minister Lilleholt highlighted as well his opinion that biogas is well-worth the inversion while praising the great development occured in Denmark.

As biogas solves a number of challenges in terms of agricultural emissions of CO2 and allows agriculture to be an active supplier of energy, the Minister acknowledges too that biogas in Denmark needs to benefit from government support. Lileholt affirmed that it is crucial for the government that there is a balance between the green transition and the expense that comes out of it, although biogas plants can only be expected to become larger and more efficient, so they will grow more independent from government support.

Source: Energy Supply Denmark
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