Denmark: Biogas research project launched

Between 10 to 12 biogas facilities will be involved in the project focused on feedstock potential.

The new project which will take part in Denmark will look at the use of straw and other biomass feedstocks with the aim of sharing the results with the sector.

The Danish Biogas Agency (DEA) will involve 10 – 12 facilities, in this project and will hold a workshop for interested installations on 4th of September in Odense.

The goal is to record the data on how different feedstock preform, and share it with the rest of the industry in order to improve the knowledge and the performance.

Bodil Harder, project manager said: ‘It is time for our research to come out of the laboratories and universities and into industry’. He added that the project will be challenging since it will not be conducted in a controlled environment with a possibility of repeating the experiments, as in laboratories, but in real-world.

The project will be focused on facilities using deep litter straw, used in chicken keeping, but researchers are also keen to hear form other facilities using new kinds of biomass. Depending on the results, further funding of additional studies and measurements will be considered.

Read more here.

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