EXPOBIOGAZ exhibition to be held in Bordeaux on 31 May – June 1, 2017

The sixth edition of the EXPOBIOGAZ exhibition, co-organised with the Club Biogaz ATEE, is to be held on Mai 31 and June 1, 2017 at the Hangar 14 in Bordeaux.

As the only exhibition to bring together the entire sector, EXPOBIOGAZ is the exhibition for all types of methanation and value channels of biogas: agricultural methane production, food and agriculture, territorial value channels; processing of waste water and organic waste; biomethane.

It brings all the producers and users of biogas together to a single event:

Industrial manufacturers, farmers, local authorities, distribution companies, waste and water treatment professionals…

Ask your free badge: http://expobiogaz17.site.exhibis.net/visiteur_partenaire.htm?codePromo=SMEBA