Outcomes of the European Council of 19-20 March
Energy Union was a crucial topic at the European Council, to which the heads of government of the EU met in Brussels on the 19th and 20th of March.
The European Council supports the construction of an Energy Union based on the Commission’s newly published strategy. The Council of the EU will report on the progress made towards Energy Union to the European Council before December 2015 and will continue to give guidance on the Energy Union strategy.
The European Council highlighted the importance of the following points within the Commission’s Energy Union strategy:
- Accelerating infrastructure projects for gas and electricity, particularly in the Baltic states and South Eastern Europe
- Reinforcing the legislative framework for the security of gas supply
- Ensure compliance with EU law and ensure transparency of agreements to buy gas from external suppliers
- Renew and develop legislation on renewables to meet the 2030 targets
- Establish strategic energy partnerships with producing and transit countries