Press release: Towards a European biomethane market – BIOSURF EU project presents its final results

Brussels, 28 November – The final conference of BIOSURF and Bin2Grid, two EU-funded projects aimed at increasing the production and use of biomethane in Europe, took place on 24 November in Brussels. Speakers from both initiatives presented their main achievements from the last three years.

The projects have promoted the collection of waste materials and the development of grid injection of biomethane in order to create an “embryonic” European biomethane market and encourage its use as a transport fuel. Stefano Proietti from ISINNOVA, coordinator of the BIOSURF project, and Attila Kovacs from the European Biogas Association (EBA), presented the actions taken to kick-start a cross-border trade of biomethane within European countries.

To achieve this goal, BIOSURF produced comprehensive guidelines to establish national biomethane registries, together with the establishment of the European Renewable Gas Registry (ERGaR) to foster cooperation among biomethane national registries. ERGaR will continue its activities beyond the end of the project, aiming to become the Europe-wide recognised organisation for administering mass balancing volumes of biomethane virtually distributed along the European natural gas network.

Lorenzo Maggioni from Consorzio Italiano Biogas (CIB) showcased the creation of an embryonic European biomethane market, providing the example of Italian, Austrian and French partners of BIOSURF that signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at defining conditions and rules to exchange biomethane Guarantees of Origin. This initiative is a first step for the exchange of biomethane between different Member States, and should be replicated in other countries to further develop the biomethane market.

The conference was closed with a series of policy recommendations, followed by a panel discussion of experts. Jan Stambasky, President of EBA, highlighted the need to recognise the domestic natural gas network of each Member State as a single logistical facility as well as the necessity for each European country to create a national biomethane registry, and stressed that preferential access to the natural gas grid should be provided to biomethane in every Member State.

The panel confirmed the great potential of biomethane in decarbonising Europe and reducing energy imports, and foresees an increase in production and usage in transport and heating and cooling thanks to a growing generation stemming from the power-to-methane technology. Project’s representatives agreed that further action is required to take full advantage of this positive trend, hence intending to pave the way for a future project.

All presentations are available here:
BIOSURF: The objective of BIOSURF (BIOmethane as SUstainable and Renewable Fuel) is to increase the production and use of biomethane (from animal waste, other waste materials and sustainable biomass), for grid injection and as transport fuel. It consists of 11 partners from 7 countries. More information at
Bin2Grid: The goal of Bin2Grid is to promote segregated collection of food waste as energy source, conversion to biogas, and its upgrading to biomethane and utilisation in associated network of filling stations, addressing environmental protection and production of renewable energy at the same time. It involved sustainable management of food waste in four cities: Malaga, Paris, Skopje and Zagreb. More information at
Both are EU-funded projects under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.