The new Medium Combustion Plant directive was officially published on 28 November 2015

The new directive sets the maximum emission limit levels (ELVs) of particles harmful to human health for medium-sized combustion plants.

The Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) Directive covers combustion power plants using various fuels (such as biogas) which have a rated thermal output of 1-50MW. The pollutants for which this directive sets ELVs are NOx, SO2 and dust particles. Member states are required to integrate this directive into national legislation by the end of 2017. Plant operators will have to meet the mandatory MCP criteria (ELVs and reporting); specific dates vary depending on plant type and size.

EBA worked on this file for several months with the clear aim to have a balanced directive, which on the one hand sets ambitious measures to protect human health, and on the other it provides adequate transition times and feasible criteria for biogas operators.

For more information, please read EBA’s background paper in the member’s section of our website.