Biogas Lab Webinar Series (3): ‘Next Generation EU Industry Running on Biogas’

You can now download the PowerPoint presentation of the event here.

Discover the factsheets of innovative renewable gas technologies and concepts of biogas plants that can be used in industrial value chains: 


On 9 June 2021, the EBA is organizing the third session of the Biogas Lab webinar series. This time, the webinar will focus on ‘Next Generation EU Industry Running on Biogas’.  

As the European Union heads towards climate-neutrality, our industry will have to work on reducing their carbon supported by cost-competitive and sustainable technology solutions.

In this webinar, we will explore the industrial applications of cutting-edge biogas technologies, such as gasification and carbon recovery.

We will also analyse innovative concepts and components of biogas plants that can be used in industrial value chains.

Interested? Check the programme here

Register here!

While you are waiting for the webinar to start, discover more about the speakers here!