Biogas production and biogas potentials from residues of the European food and beverage industry

Do you eat fresh and healthy food every day? Do you heat your household in cold months and use electrical energy on a daily basis?Do you waste some of your food? Maybe you waste around 16% of your consumption which equals 123 kg food wastes per capita annually. Do you use around 3600 kWh2 of electrical energy
in your household in one year? Would you like to use renewable energy in your household?
Then your consumption is similar to this of an average European citizen and you might like the idea, that your food wastes can be used to provide electrical energy. The project FABbiogas brings Europe a bit further to reach such goals. The FABbiogas project aspires to change the mindsets of all stakeholders in the wasteto-
energy chain by promoting residues from (FAB) food and beverage industry as a new and renewable source for biogas production.