Biogenic CO2 from the biogas industry

This white paper explores the climate impact of biogenic CO2 use or storage, the main utilisation avenues and perspective markets opportunities. While detailing current CO2 requirements, the paper underlines current obstacles to and opportunities for the further take-up of Bio-Carbon Capture and Storage (BIO-CCS) and Bio-Carbon Capture and Utilization (Bio-CCU) solutions, summarises best cases, and concludes with a set of policy recommendations to define a suitable legislative framework for the further deployment of Bio-Carbon Capture Use and Storage (Bio-CCUS) solutions, necessary to meeting Europe’s mid-century climate neutrality target.
1 tone of biomethane can approximately produce 2 tons of biogenic CO2, making the potential of the sector to carbon capture, storage and utilization non-negligible. In 2020, Europe could have produced 24Mton of biogenic CO2, based on the volumes of biogas and biomethane produced that year (18 bcm). By 2030, we could generate 46Mton of biogenic CO2, by producing 35 bcm of biogas and biomethane.
CO2 is one of the most useful industrial gases we have and the disruption in the CO2 supply chain is starting to hit many industries across Europe. Over the past weeks, prices have skyrocketed due to CO2 supply shortages. While displacing fossil fuel utilisation, the production of biomethane can increase CO2 supplies in Europe and alleviate the pressure on these industries and, ultimately, on final consumers.
Far from producing only renewable energy, biomethane production facilities are circular economy hubs, turning organic materials from different streams into several products: a renewable energy carrier, organic fertilisers (digestate) and industrial gas (biogenic CO2). Consequently, the regulatory framework should ensure that the capture, use and storage of biogenic CO2 from the biogas sector are rewarded for their environmental benefits. Policymakers should set drivers to facilitate the uptake of biogenic CO2 and derived products. The biogenic CO2 value chain should also be recognised in the EU sustainable finance framework.
The findings presented in the white paper are the output of the work carried out by the EBA Working Group on Biogenic CO2.
Contact: Anthony Lorin,