CO2 Capture, Storage & Reuse 2024
15 – 16 May. Copenhagen, Denmark.
During this 2-day event rich in presentations from industry end-users and running projects case studies will give you a comprehensive overview of the CO2 Capture. You can hear experts focusing on new regulations, changing market situation and more. Get a possibility to network and exchange ideas with industry leaders.
Main topic & key points:
- EU ETS Carbon pricing – Current status
- Building on Fit-for-55: what is next for CCU in EU policies: REPower EU plan, RED III
- Accessing the 40bn EU Innovation Fund and other EU instruments
- Financing and investing in the CCUS sector
- Legal framework for CO2 capture and storage in production & transport
- The road to efficient international CCS infrastructure
- Sourcing CO₂ for utilization projects
- Proven Carbon Capture Solutions, CAPEX & OPEX of carbon capture systems
- What does it take to decarbonize the hard-to-abate industries: CCUS perspective
- Creating CCUS value chains for industries
- Onshore and offshore CO2 storage – challenges and possibilities
- CO2 transportation and storage project
- And many more…
More information available here.