EBA Manifesto 2024-2029

Biogases 8-points plan for a resilient and climate neutral EU
The European Green Deal and the REPowerEU plan have charted a visionary course for a sustainable, carbon-neutral Europe by 2050. As representatives of the European biogases sector, we stand firmly committed to these pivotal objectives and highlight the legislative priorities we will need to achieve those objectives.
The European Biogas Association stands ready to collaborate with policymakers, industry stakeholders, and communities to realise a vision for a greener and more sustainable Europe. By prioritising biogas and biomethane as essential components of the green circular transition, we can collectively achieve EU climate neutrality, securing a safer and more sustainable future for all.
Biogases, including biomethane, are EU made renewable energy vectors and have the potential to revolutionise our energy system, drive sustainable practices in agriculture and waste management. Because they can adapt to existing infrastructure, they deliver systemic cost efficiency while leading transformative shift towards a greener and cleaner Europe.