Enabling a Circular Economy: How to encourage a viable agricultural market for nutrients recovered from biowaste

We are pleased to invite you to join to the online webinar ‘Enabling a Circular Economy: How to encourage a viable agricultural market for nutrients recovered from biowaste’ on 27 May during the EU Green Week. EBA is supporting the organisation of this event as partner of the Systemic project. 

Recovering valuable nutrients from biowaste (food waste, manure, sewage sludge, municipal waste etc.) and adapting them for reuse in agriculture, is fundamental part of shifting European agriculture away from its current linear model and an integral part of the New Circular Economy Action plan.

Experience from the H2020 SYSTEMIC project has shown that the major barrier to the uptake of nutrient recovery and reuse (NRR) is the lack of a market for the recovered products, thereby hindering the financial viability of nutrient recovery and reuse in Europe. 

Much progress has taken place over the past months to move this agenda forward, most notably the SAFEMANURE study and RENURE report linked to the Nitrates Directive, the Fertilising Products Regulation and most recently, the Green Deal.  And whilst there remains much work to do on both these policies, things are moving in the right direction. However, this will not be enough.

In this workshop, the H2020 project SYSTEMIC aims to bring together experts and practitioners in the field of nutrient recovery and reuse with policy makers to discuss what else needs to be done to create an enabling policy framework for the advancement of NRR in Europe.

SYSTEMIC receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Grant Agreement no. 730400


  • Oscar SCHOUMANS, Coordinator of SYSTEMIC, Wageningen University and Research
  • William NEALE, European Commission DG Environment, Advisor, Circular Economy and Green Growth
  • Jan HUITEMA, MEP, Renew Europe and Rapporteur for New Circular Economy Action Plan
  • European Commission DG Research and Innovation – Speaker TBC
  • Ludwig HERMANN, Member of SYSTEMIC, Proman
  • Moderation: Annabelle WILLIAMS, Member of SYSTEMIC, RISE Foundation.

REGISTRATON: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/enabling-the-circular-economy-for-recovered-nutrients-systemic-h2020-tickets-145199392291


Thursday 27th May: 1330-1530| Online