France confirms biogas tariffs
Confirmed subsidy level aims to boost small-scale biogas generation from manure.
France has confirmed its tariffs for biogas will be based on a linear scale supporting facilities with capacities over 300 kWe down to those below 80 kWe. Energy minister, Ségolène Royal, confirmed the prices this week and showed how livestock farmers could cash in on manure-generated biogas.
Under the new pricing structure a 300 kWh biogas plant processing manure from a herd of 200 cows would be between €40,000 to €50,000 per year better off, the energy minister has previously stated.
In addition, biogas generated from livestock manure and injected into the grid will come under the government’s premium injection support. This move will be worth an extra €9-13 million to the industry next year and around €15-20 million in 2017, the French government believes.
Facilities with a feedstock of more than 60% manure qualify for a bonus of €4/MWhe, while those processing a lesser amount of manure can still receive additional payments.
This article is a result of a partnership between ENDS Waste&Bionergy and EBA.