Sweden: Six percent increase in biogas production far from the potential
The Swedish Gas Association, EBA’s Swedish national member association, recently published the latest statistics that tell about a rise of 6% in biogas production in 2013. The production now reaches 1.7 TWh but it is still far from reaching the potential of 20 TWh. They call for a powerful instrument to be put in place by the government that would promote the production of biofuels.
At the end of 2013 there were 264 biogas plants in Sweden. In addition to biogas, the plants produced 1 360 000 tons of digestate for fertiliser use. 54% of produced biogas is upgraded and used for the transport sector. The production amount of liquefied biogas was doubled when compared to the previous year (2012).
– Biogas production is promising. But we are far from the marketable production of 20 TWh. I have met a number of farmers, utilities representatives and pulp producers over the last few years waiting for political will. The incoming government has a big responsibility to have in place long-term policy instruments that can create investment interest and viability of the biogas producers, says Anders Mathiasson, CEO Energigas Sverige.’
Read the full report and statistics on Energigas Sverige’s homepage (in Swedish).