The contribution of the biogas and biomethane industries to medium-term greenhouse gas reduction targets and climate-neutrality by 2050

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With this background paper, the EBA wishes to inform about the GHG reduction potentials of biogas and biomethane industries. The biogas and biomethane industries are significant and growing contributors to achieve climate-neutrality by 2050.

As calculated by the World Biogas Association, the sector has the potential to reduce worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 10-13%. The biogas and biomethane industries reduce emissions via many different pathways, such as avoided emissions by replacing fossil fuels, avoided methane slips from manure, green fertilizer production which replaces carbon-intensive chemical fertilizers, carbon storage in soils and carbon capture and storage.

DOWNLOAD INFOGRAPHIC: The paper includes a detailed infographic featuring the different pathways of avoided emissions. (English version)


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