UK: ADBA presents its Anaerobic Digestion Market Report

The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association’s first comprehensive market report is now available online. 

The publication focuses on the state of the anaerobic digestion industry in the United Kingdom. Its detailed approach to the sector focuses, among others, on how the rush to commission plants led to the huge growth occurred in 2014. Thanks to this, the sector is currently exporting around £50million – £100million while employing 4,500 people.

After analysing the market growth to date and its projections, the geographical breakdown shows the differences in Government policy that translate in England holding up investment compared to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Nevertheless, a total of 1.6million tonnes of food waste were recycled through anaerobic digestion, a great move forward from the 0.3-0.4 million tonnes recycled in 2010.

The analysis of the market potential foresees real challenges from 2016. However, the study argues that reasonable policy changes could allow the sector to deliver at least 500 more plants by 2020.

Source: ADBA
Access the full report here